Search Results

Designing a User Interface for Critical Tasks

Ayana Campbell Smith An Article By Ayana Campbell Smith // 1.17.2024

…offer feedback (and listen to it). Tap customers (especially power users) for testing. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Explain what’s happening, why certain paths were chosen (or not), and what’s next. We’re not advocating for a…

Adding Interactivity to Data Visualizations on the Web

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 3.1.2022

…the quantity of values in our example, combination offers up a quick way to compare datasets. Here’s what happens if we drop both leagues in: Combining both leagues Changing the…

WordPress: The Application Framework You Shouldn’t Be Using

Nathaniel Bibler An Article By Nathaniel Bibler // 8.2.2021

…the Envy company website – is powered by WordPress. It may sport a fancy, custom, company theme, but the application itself is a basic, self-hosted WordPress application with about a…

How Big Should Your Software Partner Be?

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 10.19.2022

…developers) comes with diminishing returns, so keeping the headcount low maximizes a budget. Companies committing too many people to a project introduce a concentration risk. That idea of too many is…

How Founders Tackle SaaS Differently the Second Time Around

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 3.31.2023

…whole starting over thing. Quick, Deliberate Communication Loops There’s a recurring red flag that most round-one stories share: communication felt like shouting into a void. The gaps between deliverables were radio silent. Instead…