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The Software Cure-All: Finding Internal Pain Points to Automate Away

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 2.11.2020

We’re wired as consultants to be fixers, much to the dismay of our friends and family whose venting sessions quickly become unsolicited suggestion parades. Universally, that unsolicited part renders the rest of…

Demystifying Software Estimates With Probability Curves

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 4.13.2021

Expertise is comfort in the unknown. For software developers, that usually means reaching for the most important tool in their belt: “I’m not sure, I’ll get back to you.” As…

Un-Silo-ing Your Insights: Translating Algorithms to a Web Application

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 6.18.2020

Data experts and practitioners in pattern matching (think analysts, data scientists, engineers, statisticians, and consultants) tend to have an immense amount of siloed intellectual property. It lives in shared drives,…

Clear Communication in Software Development Starts with Semantics

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 6.22.2021

There’s an oft-repeated adage that the hardest thing in programming is naming things. As it turns out, that naming issue extends to everything around the product too. Communication’s role as…

Cutting the Budget Without Cutting Corners: Building Custom Software for Less

Nick Walsh An Article By Nick Walsh // 4.26.2023

For a new application, budget concerns come in a number of flavors: It’s too early to raise funds or terms aren’t favorable A few benchmarks need to be hit before the “rest”…